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Been having a lot of dreams and recollections recently of being bullied as a kid. More than one bully, more than one situation.

I know it all happened, and it was mostly locked away and forgotten about in my mind. This was all more than 40 years ago.

I fought with parents to grow my hair out, a change of high schools, a change of appearance and it all kinda went away. I guess the scars are deep since you never really forget.

One story, there was one group of teens couple years older than me (I think was around 12 at the time). I would try to get home from school before they walked past my house because if they saw me coming home they would start on me. Typical stuff, pushing, smacking, punching, kicking, grabbing my stuff etc. . This would happen right in front of my house sometimes. One day, I saw them and I was trying to run home. They got me again, 4 in a circle around me, right in front of my house. Suddenly this other teenager who was about 16 who was dating a girl up the street comes running towards us. He pummelled the ringleader, punched a second kid in the face and looked at the other two and asked them if they were next. Obviously not, He started yelling at them to get the hell out of there and told them if he ever saw them near me again he would kick all of their asses, or something along those lines. They all ran off.

He then told me he had seen this happen a couple times to me but before he could make it down the street, I either got away or they were done with me. He had been watching for me since he first saw this happen. This group did leave me alone after this

is it therapeutic to write this? I dont know, hopefully. Will I share other stories, I dont know. I really dont want to be recalling all these shitty memories, unfortunately I have lots of shitty memories running through my mind these days which I guess triggered these memories to resurface. If they keep bothering me maybe I will share to get the out of my system.

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