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Mid Week Metal Mania

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Growing up, way before much music, City TV, had a Wednesday afternoon program called mid week metal mania. Daily there was a music program called Toronto Rocks. City TV was always a supporter of music before it morphed into Much Music. City Limits, Electric Circus. Oh this good old days.

Wednesday afternoons in the mid 80’s was when we got our dose of Metal! Hosted by John Major, who went on to become a pretty famous news correspondent. You tunes in for the latest videos and news and interviews. Metal, Mainstream, Daytime hours. Not hidden after midnight or at an obscure time. Mid Day, Mid Week

Here is a link to the into intro it leads to some other interviews and show clips, if you feel like going down a rabbit hole

If you didn’t know, now you do. And you learned something new today.

Is anyone actually reading this or and I only practicing my writing skills for self amusement.


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