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Small update, frustration

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Pay 2000$ for a root canal two years ago, feeling pain and sensitivity around the tooth, go see the same dental surgeon, they tell me its 2000$ to fix this problem, wtf, I said 2K for a root canal, why am I even having a problem, let alone it being the complete cost of another root canal to take care of the problem.

Some asshole had no control over his dog yesterday, it broke away from him, ran across the street and attacked Dio, I helped get the dog off, and the dog lunged a second time attacking again. the owner got it off but refused to answer any questions about shots and vaccinations and ran away.

I have not seen any blood and for the most part aside from being a bit shaken last night, Dio seems OK today. What an asshole.

Anyhow. here is a small drip from me, lots going on I’ll try to catch up again soon.

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