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My post yesterday did not publish, sorry for disappointing anyone who may have been expecting it. I’m not planning to riddle thee with inconsistencies.

Mission accomplished on the Christmas tree, it looks nice, I’ll share a photo.

Hopefully I get lights on the outdoor tree today, and tomorrow we will put some ornaments on it.

its beginning look a lot like Christmas, now to feel it. I have been listening to Majestica – ‘A Christmas Carol’ to build the spirit. It is a good record…

Toques are still available for anyone who is interested. sold a few, not as many as would seem to be requested…  Gene Simmons would kick me out of his school

Walter’s story is flowing like wildfire, open eyes to the poor state of healthcare in our province. He was already infamous and is now more famous after death. It is sad that his death could have been avoided. I know he felt the doctors were doing their best for him. Quiet and not wanting to rule any feathers. Its amazing to see  how our community is rolling to support his memory. I’ve made some buttons which will be given out or left out at the funeral home for people to take.

Thats a wrap for today, hope you enjoyed todays episode of my blog.


Strange - Inertia Entertainment Strange - Inertia Entertainment


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